How 3 Royal Saints Walked the Narrow Path to Heaven 

In the Gospel of Matthew, a rich man asks Jesus how he can enter the kingdom of heaven. Disappointed in Jesus’ answer, he turns away in sorrow, instead desiring to hold onto his great wealth. Later in the chapter, Jesus reiterates the difficult path that the rich face in entering Christ’s kingdom: “Then Jesus saidContinue reading “How 3 Royal Saints Walked the Narrow Path to Heaven “

Christianity in The Lord of the Rings: (Part IV): World Elements

Middle Earth is full of characters exhibiting Christian symbolism through their words, actions, and relationships, as covered in Parts I, II, and III of this series on Christianity in The Lord of the Rings. However, the Christian symbolism extends beyond characters to include objects and places. Already, the Ring was covered in Part III dueContinue reading “Christianity in The Lord of the Rings: (Part IV): World Elements”

Christianity in The Lord of the Rings (Part II): The Good in Middle Earth

The Lord of the Rings has many characters with aspects reflecting a Christian worldview. In this Part II of Christianity in The Lord of the Rings, we’ll be exploring various allies of the Threefold Office (Gandalf, Aragorn, and Frodo) covered in Part I. Some bear similarities to prominent Christian figures, while most demonstrate the qualitiesContinue reading “Christianity in The Lord of the Rings (Part II): The Good in Middle Earth”

The Four Domains of War: From Self to Spiritual

Wherever there are people, there is war. Taken in its most general interpretation, bellum or war is a constant in the human condition. War was waged among the first men thousands of years ago; war is waged today; and war will be waged far into the future. Though war is constant, it is not necessarilyContinue reading “The Four Domains of War: From Self to Spiritual”

Insights from Fulton Sheen’s Way to Happiness

The Venerable Fulton Sheen encouraged generations of the faithful through his radio and television broadcasts in the mid 20th century. The bishop’s words carried a weight unmatched in his popular television program Life Is Worth Living, where he spoke to a live audience without a script, often touching on important contemporary issues like communism andContinue reading “Insights from Fulton Sheen’s Way to Happiness”

Epiousios: The Mysterious Greek Word in the Lord’s Prayer

This post is not the same one I originally intended. Several days ago I thought a nice subject to write about would be the history of the Lord’s Prayer (also known as the “Our Father”). It does have some interesting history, as we can trace its origin directly to scripture in the books of MatthewContinue reading “Epiousios: The Mysterious Greek Word in the Lord’s Prayer”

The Catholic Founding Father

More than 90% of the Founding Fathers of America were Protestant. These “Founding Fathers” are those who did one or more of the following: signed the Declaration of Independence signed the Articles of Confederation attended the Constitutional Convention of 1787 signed the Constitution of the United States of Americ served as Senators in the FirstContinue reading “The Catholic Founding Father”

6 Ways to Pray More in a Busy World

Prayer is a central way for you to grow in your faith. But in the 21st century, every day feels like a blur from one thing to the next. You know it’s important to pray every day, but you’re struggling to find a decent moment to pray. Have no fear! Here are 6 simple ways toContinue reading “6 Ways to Pray More in a Busy World”

3 Anti-Catholic Parts in the Pilgrim’s Progress

John Bunyan was the Puritan writer of the famous book The Pilgrim’s Progress (late 1600s). As we all well know, the Puritans (and other Protestants) didn’t get along too well with us Catholics. Though I greatly admire Bunyan’s work and personally enjoyed the read, various parts throughout the Pilgrim’s Progress criticize the Catholic Church (toContinue reading “3 Anti-Catholic Parts in the Pilgrim’s Progress”